It’s a regular detail that is setup on a regular schedule with a regular price point.

What is the Maintenance Detail Program?

Anyone and everyone can benefit from this program. A parent of 4 driving a minivan from one place to another can benefit from this program as well as a single business man who wants his vehicle spotless at all times. It is literally for everyone and the auto detail is tailored to the needs of the vehicle depending on the condition.

Who is this program designed for?

It can vary from person to person and car to car. For example, if it’s a car that is driven once a week and it is kept in a garage, setting up a maintenance detail every 4 weeks may work. If it’s the day-to-day car that is driven heavily and you want to take care of your car before it goes from bad to worse, an every 2 week maintenance detail may be what you need. Please click the pricing button for more information.

When should I have my maintenance details scheduled?

Regardless of the type of detail you need, we are a mobile detailer and can service your vehicle's needs at the location that is most convenient for you. Whether that be at the comfort of your own home, or perhaps you want it done at your job’s parking lot, it’s all up to you!

Where and how do I get the maintenance detail?

There are several benefits to having a regular maintenance detail.

● For starters, the follow up maintenance details are more affordable than the first initial detail. If you are not set up on a maintenance program and wait to set up your next detail when the car is overly filthy and messy, this may result in you needing to overspend on the next detail due to the car's poor condition.

● If you are extremely busy and don’t have the time to keep the car looking the way you want it to, knowing you have your maintenance detail already scheduled is not only convenient but it will save you time. You can have peace of mind knowing your car will be taken care of at a more affordable price and one less thing for you to worry about.

● Maintain the resale value of your vehicle. If you decide to sell or trade in your car, you will get top dollar as your car was maintained and protected.

What are the benefits and why is this worth it?